Hans LaursenAge: 72 years1757–1829
- Name
- Hans Laursen
- Given names
- Hans
- Surname
- Laursen
Birth | about 1757 |
Birth of a son #1 | Greis Hansen 1802 (Age 45 years) |
Occupation | Husmand |
Christening of a son | Greis Hansen 4 April 1802 (Age 45 years) |
Death | 27 March 1829 (Age 72 years) |
Family with Margrethe Pedersdatter - View this family |
himself |
Hans Laursen Birth: about 1757 Occupation: Husmand — Kirke Stillinge Sogn, Sorø Amt Death: 27 March 1829 — Kirke Stillinge Sogn, Sorø Amt |
wife |
Margrethe Pedersdatter Birth: 1768 — Kirke Stillinge Sogn, Sorø Amt Death: 10 May 1832 — Kirke Stillinge Sogn, Sorø Amt |
son |
Greis Hansen Birth: 1802 45 34 — Kirke Stillinge Sogn, Sorø Amt Occupation: Gårdmand — Kirke Stillinge Sogn, Sorø Amt Death: 14 November 1876 — Kirke Stillinge Sogn, Sorø Amt |
Shared note | Soroe, Slagelse, Stillinge, Kielstrup, , 16, FT-1801, B6884
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Hans Lausen 43 Gift mand inderst og gaaer i dagleje
Margrethe Pedersdatter 32 Gift hans kone
Karen Hansdatter 5 Ugift deres børn
Maren Hansdatter 3 - deres børn
Else Hansdatter 2 - deres børn |