Henry Sigurd BremsAge: 72 years1905–1978
- Name
- Henry Sigurd Brems
- Given names
- Henry Sigurd
- Surname
- Brems
Birth | 10 February 1905 26 24 |
Death of a father | Niels Peter Hansen Brems 1947 (Age 41 years) |
Death | 1978 (Age 72 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Niels Peter Hansen Brems Birth: 28 February 1878 25 23 — Herslev Occupation: Murer Death: 1947 |
mother |
Anne Kirstine Jensen Birth: 27 May 1880 — Vester Nebel, Vejle Amt |
himself |
Henry Sigurd Brems Birth: 10 February 1905 26 24 — Kolding Death: 1978 |
sister |
Private |
Shared note | Records not imported into INDI (individual) Gramps ID I2249:
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