Else MortensdatterAge: 46 years1710–1756
- Name
- Else Mortensdatter
- Given names
- Else
- Surname
- Mortensdatter
Birth | about 1710 |
Religious marriage | Niels Pedersen — View this family 2 December 1734 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Maren Nielsdatter April 1737 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Kirsten Nielsdatter May 1739 (Age 29 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Sidsel Nielsdatter June 1741 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Benned Nielsdatter November 1743 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Anne Nielsdatter August 1746 (Age 36 years) |
Death | September 1756 (Age 46 years) |
Family with parents |
father | |
elder brother |
Jens Mortensen Birth: 1706 Death: 1760 |
5 years herself |
Else Mortensdatter Birth: about 1710 Death: September 1756 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |
Family with Niels Pedersen |
husband |
Niels Pedersen Birth: about 1709 Occupation: Husmand — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt Death: November 1787 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |
herself |
Else Mortensdatter Birth: about 1710 Death: September 1756 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |
Marriage: 2 December 1734 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |
2 years daughter |
Maren Nielsdatter Birth: April 1737 28 27 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |
2 years daughter |
Kirsten Nielsdatter Birth: May 1739 30 29 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |
2 years daughter |
Sidsel Nielsdatter Birth: June 1741 32 31 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |
3 years daughter |
Benned Nielsdatter Birth: November 1743 34 33 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt Death: 8 February 1826 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |
3 years daughter |
Anne Nielsdatter Birth: August 1746 37 36 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |