Bertel Kristian BertelsenAge: 87 years1886–1974
- Name
- Bertel Kristian Bertelsen
- Given names
- Bertel Kristian
- Surname
- Bertelsen
Birth | 11 July 1886 39 32 |
Death of a mother | Else Katrine Kristensen 23 December 1928 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a father | Lars Kristian Bertelsen 7 October 1942 (Age 56 years) |
Death of a wife | Dorthea Nielsigne Brandi 16 November 1968 (Age 82 years) |
Death | 1974 (Age 87 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Lars Kristian Bertelsen Birth: 8 May 1847 38 37 — "Vestergaard", Glaede, Lild Sogn Occupation: Husmand, Landpost Death: 7 October 1942 — Skadhauge, Tømmerby |
mother |
Else Katrine Kristensen Birth: 28 December 1853 33 33 — Kjæret, Gjøttrup By og Sogn Death: 23 December 1928 — Lild Sogn |
Marriage: 2 April 1881 — Tømmerby Kirke |
-2 months elder brother |
Laurits Kristian ‘Lawrence’ Bertelson (Bertelsen) Birth: 5 February 1881 33 27 — Tømmerby Sogn Death: May 1967 — Morristown, Morris County, New Jersey |
17 months elder sister |
Nielsigne Bertelsen Birth: 28 June 1882 35 28 — Tømmerby Death: 26 September 1965 — Vejle |
4 years himself |
Bertel Kristian Bertelsen Birth: 11 July 1886 39 32 — Frøstrup Hede, Tømmerby Death: 1974 — Thisted |
6 years younger brother |
Christen Jensen Bertelsen Birth: 1 June 1892 45 38 — Frøstrup Hede, Tømmerby Occupation: Murer, Landpost Death: 17 October 1947 — Tømmerby Sogn, Vester Han Herred, Thisted Amt |
Family with Juliane Hansen |
himself |
Bertel Kristian Bertelsen Birth: 11 July 1886 39 32 — Frøstrup Hede, Tømmerby Death: 1974 — Thisted |
wife |
Juliane Hansen Birth: 25 December 1888 33 42 — Klim Sogn, Thisted Amt |
daughter |
Private |
Family with Dorthea Nielsigne Brandi |
himself |
Bertel Kristian Bertelsen Birth: 11 July 1886 39 32 — Frøstrup Hede, Tømmerby Death: 1974 — Thisted |
wife |
Dorthea Nielsigne Brandi Birth: 16 April 1887 — Vester Vandet Sogn, Hillerslev Herred, Thisted Amt Death: 16 November 1968 — Thisted |
son |
Private |
son |
Private |
son |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
… … + Dorthea Nielsigne Brandi |
wife |
Dorthea Nielsigne Brandi Birth: 16 April 1887 — Vester Vandet Sogn, Hillerslev Herred, Thisted Amt Death: 16 November 1968 — Thisted |
step-son |
Jens Gerhard Brandi Birth: 9 September 1904 17 — Thisted Købstad, Thisted Amt |
22 months step-daughter |
Adelaide Margarethe Brandi Birth: 28 June 1906 19 — Thisted Købstad, Thisted Amt Death: 11 September 1906 |
Shared note | Emigreret til USA 1911:
Ellis Island
First Name: Bertel
Last Name: Bertelsen
Ethnicity: Denmark, Scandinavian
Last Place of Residence: Bjerget, Denmark
Date of Arrival: Aug 22, 1911
Age at Arrival: 25y Gender: M Marital Status: S
Ship of Travel: Oscar ll
Port of Departure: Copenhagen
Manifest Line Number: 0028
Vendt tilbage til Danmark ca. 1913. |
Shared note | I 1915 dåbsvidne i Tømmerby Sogn (broder Christen Bertelsens førstfødte). |
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