Luitgarde af VermandoisAge: 64 years914–978
- Name
- Luitgarde af Vermandois
- Given names
- Luitgarde
- Surname
- af Vermandois
Birth | about 914 30 19 |
Death of a mother | Hildebrand af Frankrig 931 (Age 17 years) |
Death of a father | Herbert II af Vermandois 23 February 943 (Age 29 years) |
Death of a husband | Theobald I af Blois about 975 (Age 61 years) |
Death | 9 February 978 (Age 64 years) |
Family with parents - View this family |
father |
Herbert II af Vermandois Birth: 884 36 Death: 23 February 943 |
mother | |
herself | |
7 years younger brother |
Father’s family with Adele … - View this family |
father |
Herbert II af Vermandois Birth: 884 36 Death: 23 February 943 |
step-mother | |
half-sister |
Family with Theobald I af Blois - View this family |
husband | |
herself | |
daughter |
Shared note | Luitgarde of Vermandois
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Luitgarde of Vermandois (c. 914-February 9, 978) was a daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois and thus a sixth generation descendant of Charlemagne. She first married William I of Normandy, and following his death in 942, married Theobald I of Blois in 943.
[edit] Children
They had four children:
* Theobald (d. 962)
* Hugh, Archbishop of Bourges (d. 985)
* Odo (d. 996), count of Blois
* Emma (d. 1003), married William IV of Aquitaine |
Extra information
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Herbert II af Vermandois
Hildebrand af Frankrig
Luitgarde af Vermandois
Robert af Vermandois
Father’s family with Adele … | |
Herbert II af Vermandois
Adele …
Adele af Vermandois
Family with Theobald I af Blois | |
Theobald I af Blois
Luitgarde af Vermandois
Emma af Blois